
Handball photos are organized by year, tournament, category, day, division. Unfortunately, the ability to search for a particular player is much too complicated and time-consuming. As of October 3, 2024, there are 119,028 handball photos.


I no longer photograph entire tournaments, but I take a few photos


Photo Gallery and Viewer

Click on any photo to open the image viewer. From there, you can scroll photo by photo, start a slideshow, zoom in and out, and download. Great for analyzing full swing step-by-step and downloading/saving photos. 


All of the images from the most recent years are formatted for making 7" prints. Some images from earlier years are a little larger. If you wish to make a larger print, please let me know, and I'll send you the original, which is, in most cases, much larger. I will also check to see if the photo would benefit from further adjusting in Photoshop.


*The images on this site are for your PERSONAL USE ONLY.  They are NOT TO BE SOLD OR PUBLISHED on paper, the internet, or any other public forum without my permission, but I always give permission.  In the case of United States Handball Association national tournaments, contact the USHA for permission.  In the case of the 2007 Simple Green U.S. Open, contact the WPH for permission.